Midwest Accounting’s Services

We help businesses of all sizes and types with their accounting and business needs.

We are vying to be an online location for people to incorporate their business from any state in the united states.  We will set up their entity, and help them to determine which type of entity is the most tax efficient for their business and ownership structure.  We will set them us up a registered agent in their state as well.  We want to use this almost as a breakeven business on the entity creation as we are more interested in getting recurring revenue from them once their business is up and running from accounting, payroll and tax services.


Businesses we help:

Small Business

We have been in business for over 50 years helping small business clients.  We’re experienced in all types of businesses – from medical practices to construction firms – handling their accounting and tax issues.  We offer additional consulting for a lot of these larger firms that have in house bookkeeping, but want tax professionals to come in periodically to sit with ownership and go over their financials and KPI’s.


Our franchise services help many different brands including Dunkin’ Donuts, Burger King, Taco Bell, Subway, KFC, Little Caesars and GNC.  We offer a la carte services for these as well, which can handle all accounting, payroll, tax and back-office functions.  Clients may also choose which functions they want from us, like what type of weekly and monthly reporting they want, including weekly COGS repots along with deposit verification reports for their franchises.


We help enterprises and new businesses grow and develop by helping them to understand their financials like accountants and most importantly help them to budget their cash flow to make sure they can stay solvent and current with all of their taxes.

Services we offer:

Incorporation Services

See how MWA helps with Incorporation.

Financial Planning

MWA can help you plan for a successful future.

Business Services

Keep your business growing and healthy.

Accounting Services

Our most commonly utilized service.

QuickBooks Services

Keep your QuickBooks balanced and updated.

Tax Resolution

Resolve your tax issues and deal with the IRS.

Looking for a custom solution?

We’re always looking to help clients improve their workflow and financials of their business. If you’re looking for something more custom, or tailored towards a particular niche or vertical, we can help. We’ll work with you to create a plan bespoke to your unique needs. Give us a call and we’ll carve out the perfect plan for you.
